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未来的父母 招生


每年,我们都会迎来400多名新生. 在他们的教育过程中,我们为他们做好准备 一生都在现代社会的各个领域担任领导和服务. 在他们到达和毕业之间, they encounter a host of academic and co-curricular experiences animated by our core commitments to the twin rails of rigorous academics and deep love for God and the five planks of our mission statement: our 文科 我们的课程, 基督教 身份,我们 住宅 校园,我们 本科 聚焦与全球展望. 这些持久的承诺指引着每一代新教师, staff and students as we’ve pursued the 下一个 horizon for the college since our founding in 1937. 


我们希望你的学生 茁壮成长 在WESTMONT. 






度 & 项目



The Career Opportunities and Vocational Exploration (湾) center helps students discover their strengths, 通过实习探索职场, 与相似领域的校友建立联系, 找到神给他们人生的方向.


实习是测试职业发展的好方法. Sixty-six percent of students p艺术icipate in internships, many of which offer academic credit. 


Westmont’s 76 percent four-year graduation rate exceeds the six-year national average by 17 percentage points.


2022届毕业生中有94%找到了工作, 被研究生院录取, 参加服务/志愿者项目, 或者在毕业后六个月内服兵役.



位于圣巴巴拉, 美国里维埃拉, 你会在一个文化丰富、充满活力的环境中茁壮成长.

你属于这里. 你在这里会有家的感觉. 你得自己去看看!



威斯蒙特大学95%的新生获得学术奖学金, 人才奖学金和/或助学金


Westmont offers generous financial aid to qualified students; see the scholarship grid

看看你的学生是否会获得学术奖项. 如果你提交了FAFSA,你的学生也可以获得基于需求的援助. 在田径运动中有基于人才的奖励, 艺术, 戏剧和音乐, 学生可以申请文化多样性奖. 在Westmont, 学生在需要的时候得到他们需要的课程, 所以他们可以在四年内毕业,有些人甚至提前完成学业.







Standout soccer player Tim Heiduk ’19 has found more than the back of the net at Westmont. 他克服了挑战, 在基督里发现了自己的身份, 经历了无尽的支持和终身发展, 有意义的人际关系.

在他成为勇士运动员的第一年, Tim scored three goals but suffered a broken foot that forced him to sit out the 下一个 season. “我选择充分利用困难的情况,”他说. “虽然这很艰难,但我开始依靠我的ag娱乐官网,从未如此快乐过. I couldn’t be in a better place, and I’m extremely fortunate and blessed to be at Westmont.”

The senior from nearby Goleta has twice won the Golden Eagle Award for his academic performance, 他的运动能力和性格. He interned as a Westmont sports broadcaster and serves as the sports editor of the student newspaper. 在校外, 他曾为圣巴巴拉新闻出版社和普雷西迪奥体育撰稿, 他还在当地一家律师事务所完成了实习.

“我走的是体育新闻这条路,但这个职业在不断变化,”蒂姆说. “我对法律很感兴趣——我爸爸是一名有执照的律师——所以这也是一种可能性.”

与此同时, Tim has decided to stay at Westmont through fall 2019 to compete one more year on the soccer team since he sat out his sophomore season. He will use the additional semester to double major in economics and business and communication studies.

“Westmont has been the perfect fit for me academically, athletically and spiritually,他说.


Heidi Pullmann ’19 chose Westmont for its success in placing students in medical school and planned to become a doctor or a college professor. 但她的大学经历使她的职业意识超越了医学. When she joined a professor in a reSearch project, she discovered a passion for working in the lab. 她说:“我热爱生物学,希望在这门学科上投入更多。.

她还辅修了宗教研究. “I find religion generally fascinating as it engages a p艺术 of my brain I don’t use as much,她说。. “I wanted to grow spiritually and was ready and willing to be challenged in my faith, 我的课在这方面做得非常好. 但他们也肯定了科学和基督教是相容的.”

Planning her schedule carefully allowed her to spend a semester abroad with Westmont in Jerusalem so she could live outside of the country and explore Jerusalem. She appreciated the in-depth experience with both Palestinian and Israeli communities.

去年夏天,她与生物学助理教授陆一凡一起进行了研究. The dep艺术ment has acquired a high-tech tool to understand human neurological disorders, 比如阿尔茨海默病, and she used the new micro- electrode array to detect and record the response of neurons to genetic mutation or toxins. Heidi presented her findings at the Celebration of Summer 研究 in September 2018. 想要更深入地参与韦斯特蒙的工作,

she ran for vice president of the Westmont College Student Association (WCSA) last spring and won. 她说:“在WCSA工作让我觉得自己与韦斯特蒙特的联系更加紧密。. “I had never thought about student government before, but it turned out to be a great fit for me.”

今年秋天,海蒂将在贝勒大学(Baylor University)攻读博士学位. A professor in Baylor’s cellular molecular biology program reached out to Westmont looking for a graduate student to work in plant genetics. “I’m interested in developing better ways to grow plants through plant genetics or agricultural technologies,海蒂说. 他说:“我希望帮助发现有助于结束世界饥饿的东西.”

回顾, Heidi says her four years at Westmont were sometimes difficult and she navigated relationships and figured out her faith. “我在这里遇到了最了不起的人,并建立了真正的友谊,”她说. “I leave with a lot of confidence about my abilities as a scholar, a scientist and a child of God. 韦斯特蒙是个安全的地方,可以解决所有这些问题.”

卢卡斯·维埃拉' 19去厄巴纳2018希望找到明确的方向为他的生活. 相反,他意识到神呼召他要忠心. “上帝在厄巴纳没有给我计划,他给了我平静,”卢卡斯说. “成功的人生意味着无论我在哪里都要忠于他.”

Passionate about global and urban missions, Lucas dreams of pursuing pastoral ministry. 他主修宗教研究和哲学双学位, 他参与各部工作, 他领导的教堂乐队和敬拜现实卡平特里亚, 他的全球经历都为他的服务做好了准备. “当我毕业的时候, 我要在圣巴巴拉找份工作谋生, 申请在线神学院课程, 接入当地教堂, 看主领我往那里去,他说.

Lucas enrolled in Mayterm India to study 基督教 mission, Hinduism and social justice. 他曾计划像他父亲一样成为一名律师. 但是在肮脏的地方行走, 拥挤的加尔各答街道, 他看到老人睡在草席上, 衣服在头顶飘动, 女性倾向于小, 明火炉灶. 一排排残废的人, impoverished and starving people were waiting to die outside of Mother Teresa’s Home for the Destitute and Dying. 在这种绝望之中, 传教士, 修女和志愿者们前来提供食物, 给垂死的人洗澡,安慰他们. 卢卡斯开始怀疑上帝是否在召唤他去服侍.

在他和西蒙特在耶路撒冷的学期里, Lucas encountered tensions and tough questions in the Middle East and appreciated how politicians and aid-workers tackled the conflict in different ways. 但在该地区服务的牧师的故事对他最有说服力. “The people seeking to bring the gospel to these broken spaces stirred something in me, 我意识到我想扮演那个角色,他说.

在棕枝主日, he joined 基督教s around the world outside the Old City of Jerusalem as they marched down the mountain, 笑, 唱歌跳舞. 他记得那是他一生中最有希望的时刻之一. “我意识到耶稣的王国是真实可见的,”他说.

后来,他多次前往非洲国家, 是什么强化了他对事工的承诺和对全球教会的热情. 他曾在学生事工Emmaus Road担任项目协调员, helping teams find places throughout the world where they can serve during the summer.

厄巴纳改变了他对事工的看法. “I’ve been struck by how Christ isn’t calling His people to be saviors of the world, he says. “Rather He is calling us to faithfully and humbly point others to THE Savior of the world.

上帝是一位传教士,他仍在书写他的故事. 因为我们知道结局——基督再来,使一切都更新!我们可以宣讲这个盼望,成为神国度的使者.”


排名 第一名基督教文理学院 

韦斯特蒙已经连续19年 按U排名.S. 新闻 & 世界报告编号. 107(联系)是全国两所顶尖的基督教文理学院之一 the number one 基督教 文科 college in California and in the Western United States






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